Reeeeeadddddy? LAUNCH!

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I was catching my three-year-old niece last weekend as she ran off of the floating, foam “lily pad” and into the water. We devised a call and response so I was ready for her. “Auuuunnnnttt Suuuusaaan, are you ready?” she called. “LAUNCH!” I responded. We did this for hours. It was perfect summertime fun. 

The next day, we were at it again. She called me. I responded. This time, when she made her soft landing into the water, (made even softer due to my rehearsed and impeccable catching skills), she yelled, “NO. NO. NO. NO! That’s not how I do it anymore. Don’t catch me! I go underwater now.”

Little did I know, in my brief toddler-catching respite that morning, in my stead, her uncle teased her comfort zone and let her head go underwater. She was scared at first, then loved it! In a moment, she transitioned from being caught to jumping in on her own. When it was my turn again, (after a lesson on “how we do it now”), I adapted. Her little head went underwater before I lifted her back onto the float.

This got me thinking...

Where in life are we caught by others? Where and when do we dare to leap, to go underwater? There are times for both, I think. 

It’s okay to feel safe. To keep our heads above water. To feel comfortable with what we know. But there comes a time for all of us to make a change. To trust that when we jump and dare to go deeper, we will come up for air stronger than before.

I get what it’s like to want to make a change, but not know where to start. 

I know what it feels like to be working somewhere, but wonder what the next job might be.

It’s difficult to know when and how to leap - to “go underwater.”

That’s why I created the LEAP program

In eight, 1:1 coaching sessions, we take a deep dive into your values and ideas, your big dreams and those pesky patterns that keep getting in your way. 

At first, I’ll catch you when you leap. Then, when you’re ready, I’ll step back a bit and you’ll be jumping in on your own. 

Are you reaaaadddddyyy??? LAUNCH!

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After nearly two decades as a global facilitator and educator, I am thrilled to share the LEAP program for individuals and the Five Principles for Lasting Change for businesses and schools. Together, we will use these simple frameworks to discover clarity and ultimately create a more empathetic and cohesive workplace, school and world.

Susan Lambert